The clergy and people of Zion Episcopal Church extend their prayers and condolences for you upon the death of your loved one. The death or imminent death of a Zion parishioner should be reported as soon as possible to the parish office, and arrangements made in consultation with the clergy. Funerals and memorial services may be held at Zion or at a funeral home, crematorium, or graveside.
The clergy and people of Zion rejoice with you as you prepare to celebrate the sacramental rite of Marriage. A marriage begun in the presence of God and nurtured in faith is a strong marriage! We welcome and encourage you to worship with us before speaking to our clergy about wedding plans.
Please contact the clergy before setting your wedding date. All couples to be married at Zion must participate in premarital counseling. In cases of remarriage, additional time is needed while the permission of the Bishop is sought.
The Zion Memorial Garden:
The Memorial Garden of Zion Episcopal Church in North
Branford, Connecticut is designed as a place of tranquil beauty, set aside for the interment of ashes and for prayer and meditation.
From ancient times, Christians have been buried in the
consecrated grounds of their churchyards. There is comfort in knowing that the remains of the faithful have been laid to rest in such a hallowed place. Our garden also serves as a place of solace for
those who would come there to pray.
Making arrangements for death can be difficult. And yet,
our mortality can be faced in the sure and certain hope of Christ’s promise that a place has been prepared for us and that death is not the end but the beginning of eternal life with