Zion Episcopal Church・North Branford, CT
Zion Episcopal Church・North Branford, CT 

Zion Episcopal Church's Past Projects

Zion Episcopal Church has a long and proud history of providing outreach and support to our communities. We have included a partial list of our successful community programs.


Some of our most successful programs include:


  • "Cookies for the Homeless" - Our members encouraged their kids to hold bake sales in their neighborhoods selling home-made cookies. The proceeds from this cookie sale were used to support homeless shelters and soup kitchens along the shoreline.
  • Guilford/Madison/North Branford Cropwalk - CROP Hunger Walk funds benefit the overall work and ministry of Church World Service -- working around the world to help those in need help themselves through refugee assistance, self-help development programs, advocacy, and disaster relief. And, it’s important to note that 25 percent of what we raise will help the Guilford, Madison and North Branford Food Banks in their important work.
  • Midnight Run - In cooperation with North Branford Congregational, Zion participates with the Midnight Run which happens on the third Monday of the month We bring supplies such as a bag or two of men’s socks, toiletries, toothbrushes, travel size soap or shampoo. Seasonal men’s clothes are also needed. We have bins in the closet for off season clothes, but space is limited.


    If you want more information on what the “Run” is like see Judi Pospesil or Lisa Latham and they can tell you about the people they see and their circumstances.

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