Worshiping God in community is the foundation of our life in Christ.
Our Sunday service begins at 9:15 a.m. This liturgy offers Morning Prayer while we are in Transistion, which follows the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. When we have a Supply Priest, Holy Eucharist follows 'Rite 2'. We have to be flexible in our schedule as to when these services happen to accommodate our priests' availability.
Calendar of Services:
9:15 a.m., Sunday, December 8th, Advent 2, Morning Prayer
9:15 a.m., Sunday, December 15th, Advent 3, Morning Prayer
9:15 a.m., Sunday, December 22nd, Advent 4, Morning Prayer
4:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve, Holy Eucharist with Bishop Laura Ahrens
9:15 a.m., Sunday, December 29, st Sunday after Christmas, Holy Eucharist with Baptism with Rev. Mary Anne Osborn
Services are broadcast live on our Facebook page. Past Zion worship services are available on our Youtube channel.
“Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in these services obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-700337. All rights reserved.”
Can I receive communion in this church?
Yes! We process up to the altar where we are offered consecrated bread and wine. At this time, we are not drinking from the chalice, but the chalice will be offered for intinction. (Dipping the wafer into the wine.) If you choose not to receive the bread you will be offered an inter-faith blessing. Those unable to come to the altar should notify an usher and the sacraments will be brought to you.
We are pleased to offer gluten-free wafers for people with dietary sensitivities. Please make the request when you take communion.
Will my children be welcome?
Yes! At Zion we view children as a gift from God and believe that it is vitally important that they be fully included in church life. From September until June we provide Godly Play stories once per month. There are religious children's books, and clipboards with crayons and paper, in a basket in the back of the church.
Zion complies with safe church practices through background checks of all adults who volunteer to assist in any of our programs for children or other vulnerable persons.