Zion Episcopal Church, North Branford, CT
Zion Episcopal Church, North Branford, CT

Zion is a Gun-Free Zone

On Saturday November 21, 2016, at the Episcopal Church in CT's 232nd Annual Convention, a measure was unanimously passed designating all Episcopal Churches, Schools and Property in CT as Gun-Free Zones. The resolution came at the urging of the 77th General Convention of The Episcopal Church in 2012.


From the resolution, "Violence permeates our world, our society, our church, our homes and ourselves. Baptism calls us to be ministers of reconciliation, to give voice to the voiceless and to strive for justice in the name of our Lord. The movement to curtail gun violence and promote public safety is a vital part of that call. Weapons have no place in spaces in which we worship and work to fulfill God's mission of restoration and reconciliation."


Effective immediately, no one may bring a firearm on to Zion property with the sole exception of law enforcement personnel. 


Sunday Worship at 9:15 a.m.

The service is also aired on Facebook Live.  

Zion Episcopal Church

326 Notch Hill Rd.

North Branford, CT 06471


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