Zion Episcopal Church, North Branford, CT
Zion Episcopal Church, North Branford, CT

About Zion

Zion Episcopal Church is a worshiping community in North Branford, CT dedicated to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ and sharing the Good News through joyful worship, engaging study, participation in outreach, and in our daily lives.


We are blessed with a beautiful worship space and 6 acres of open space in the center of town. Sunday worship takes place at 9:15 a.m.  


We believe that every human being is a beloved child of God.  The Zion community welcomes all who seek the healing love of Christ regardless of age, sex, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or socio-economic status.


While we are in transition, we celebrate with Morning Prayer at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings in our sanctuary. When we are blessed to have a visiting priest with Holy Communion, we have been flexible to accommdate their availabilty even when that means Saturday evenings at 5:30.



We also have the option for people to view the service on Facebook Live. 

Sunday Worship at 9:15 a.m.

The service is also aired on Facebook Live.  

Zion Episcopal Church

326 Notch Hill Rd.

North Branford, CT 06471


Zion Youtube channel






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